We love seeing you at shows!
And in classes!
And for all the other reasons Missoula arrives at the Westside Theater.

However, we can’t have classes, shows, and events every day|every weekend.
So we’re asking for your help!

GHOST LIGHT (def): a small single bulbed light, usually a floor lamp of some sort, that shines on the dark stage throughout the night when the theater is closed and unoccupied.

Please help us raise $10,000 to support the theater and company to keep the doors open this summer as Missoulians head into the mountains and onto the rivers rather than coming to the theater!

Help us come back in the fall stronger than ever and ready for another incredible season!

mailing address:

Bare Bait Dance/Westside Theater

1200 Shakespeare St. Suite 2

Missoula, MT 59802

Westside Theater, owned and managed by Bare Bait Dance is a 501c3 nonprofit organization focusing on presenting professional dance and live arts in Montana. Westside Theater and Bare Bait Dance thrive on the support of donors with a vested interest in live performance.